Glenvale School

For Excellence in Special Education

Telephone02 4325 7783; 02 4325 2325

About our school

Glenvale School is a special school located on the Central Coast of New South Wales and is spread over 3 sites of very different, but very lovely natural environments. The larger campus of fifteen classes is at Narara, a satellite class for primary aged students is within Valley View Public School and seven classes are located on the beach front at The Entrance North. The school caters for students from 4 years of age through to the end of the year in which they turn 18 (usually Year 12) in small classes of 6 to 8 students with a special education teacher and school learning support officer. Glenvale provides individual education programs for students with a wide variety of disabilities. Most students have a moderate or severe intellectual disability and many have multiple disabilities. Staff are highly skilled in teaching students with all disabilities and the school is a centre of expertise in the teaching of students with autism. Glenvale is an active member of the Valley Schools Learning Community of ten local schools which actively support each other ensuring that Glenvale’s staff and students are afforded many opportunities to work with mainstream students. Glenvale is also supported by the Valley Schools Aboriginal Network which provides cultural activities and support for our students of Aboriginal background.

Our objective is to develop in each of our students the knowledge, skills and behaviours that they need to participate in life as fully and as independently as possible. Our vision is that every student will leave school with: a communication system that enables them to communicate their needs with a variety of communication partners; behaviour that is socially appropriate, and the skills to live a full, happy life that they value.